An ofbuscated tetris, 1989 IOCCC Best Game
This program plays the familiar game of `TETRIS' with the following features:
- outputs vt100-like escape-sequences for
- cursor positioning
- normal/reverse video
in curses like fashion (minimal output for screen updates)
- continuously increasing speed (except in pause)
- start speed selectable by giving n as first argument, where
n is the number of drops per second (default=2).
- controls also selectable by giving as the second argument a string
consisting of the following 6 charachters:
left,rotate,right,drop,pause,quit (default="jkl pq")
- the screen is blanked during the pause and the score is shown
- finally, the program maintains a high-score table.
giving a full path name for the table will result in a system-wide
hiscore allowing a competition between users.
Obfuscation has been achieved by:
- making effects of signals hard to trace
- implicit flushing by getchar()
- tricky cursor-parking
- minimizing code length
- hard coding include-file constants
- faking include-file structures
- throwing portability out of the window
long h[4];t(){h[3]-=h[3]/3000;setitimer(0,h,0);}c,d,l,v[]={(int)t,0,2},w,s,I,K
"\033[%dm "+(K-k?0:5),k);K=k;}Q[263]=c=getchar();}G(b){for(i=4;i--;)if(q[i?b+
n[i]:b])return 0;return 1;}g(b){for(i=4;i--;q[i?x+n[i]:x]=b);}main(C,V,a)char*
*V,*a;{h[3]=1000000/(l=C>1?atoi(V[1]):2);for(a=C>2?V[2]:"jkl pq";i;i--)*n++=i<
25||i%12<2?7:0;srand(getpid());system("stty cbreak -echo stop u");sigvec(14,v,
"stty -cbreak echo stop \023;sort -mnr -o HI - HI;cat HI","w");fprintf(d,
"%4d from level %1d by %s\n",w,l,getlogin());pclose(d);}
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