[picture of a maze] Programming Pearls

My favourite programming language by far is Haskell. Sometimes, when I have a big need for speed, I might fall back on C (or C++ for better data structures and saner memory management while putting up with all its ugly warts). After my very first programming language, Sinclair BASIC, Z80 assembly next, and Pascal as freshman in University, C made a refreshing change. Behold the Ten Commandments for C Programmers. Also see Frans Faase's list of signature programs.

A Space Filling Program

p(c){putchar(   c);}f(x,y,m){
(y=m-   abs(m   -y))-   m&&m-
x?f(x   <m?y:x&m,x<m?   x:y,m
/2):p                   (x-m-
1&&y?32:64);}   main(z){for(z
        =N*N;   z--;p        
(z%N?32:10))f   (z%N,z/N,N);}

compiles with -DN=1, -DN=3, -DN=7, or -DN=15 (powers of two minus one) to produce outputs

@ @ @
@   @
@   @
@ @ @   @ @ @
@   @   @   @
@   @ @ @   @
@           @
@ @ @   @ @ @
    @   @    
@ @ @   @ @ @
@ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @
@   @   @   @   @   @   @   @
@   @ @ @   @   @   @ @ @   @
@           @   @           @
@ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @
    @   @           @   @    
@ @ @   @ @ @ @ @ @ @   @ @ @
@                           @
@   @ @ @ @ @   @ @ @ @ @   @
@   @       @   @       @   @
@ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @
        @           @        
@ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @   @ @ @
@   @       @   @       @   @
@   @ @ @ @ @   @ @ @ @ @   @
This improved version (inspired by nu's codegolf entry)

f(y,x,m){return   x?x=abs(~m+x),y
>m?-f     (x,y,   m):x&     m?f(y
,x,m/     2):m==y&y:-2;     }main
(y,x)                       {for(
x=0;N/y;)y+=20/   putchar("\n| _"
          [++x&   !f(y+
 1,x&N,N)|f(y-x   %2,x&N,N)+2]);}
produces prettier output (with N=3,7,15,31):

| |
 _   _ 
| |_| |
|_   _|
 _| |__
 _   _   _   _ 
| |_| | | |_| |
|_   _| |_   _|
 _| |_____| |_ 
|  ___   ___  |
|_|  _| |_  |_|
 _  |_   _|  _ 
| |___| |___| |
 _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _ 
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
|_   _| |_   _| |_   _| |_   _|
 _| |_____| |_   _| |_____| |_ 
|  ___   ___  | |  ___   ___  |
|_|  _| |_  |_| |_|  _| |_  |_|
 _  |_   _|  _   _  |_   _|  _ 
| |___| |___| |_| |___| |___| |
|_   ___   ___   ___   ___   _|
 _| |_  |_|  _| |_  |_|  _| |_ 
|  _  |  _  |_   _|  _  |  _  |
|_| |_| | |___| |___| | |_| |_|
 _   _  |  ___   ___  |  _   _ 
| |_| | |_|  _| |_  |_| | |_| |
|_   _|  _  |_   _|  _  |_   _|
 _| |___| |___| |___| |___| |__


This is my favourite programming pearl, a 237 character program that generates mazes of arbitrary length. It was my 1988 submission to the International Obfuscated C Code Contest.
--            E;             J[              E]             =T
[E   ]=  E)   printf("._");  for(;(A-=Z=!Z)  ||  (printf("\n|"
)    ,   A    =              39              ,C             --
)    ;   Z    ||    printf   (M   ))M[Z]=Z[A-(E   =A[J-Z])&&!C
&    A   ==             T[                                  A]
|6<<27<rand()||!C&!Z?J[T[E]=T[A]]=E,J[T[A]=A-Z]=A,"_.":" |"];}
Note that the constant 27 assumes a 31-bit random number generator, and needs to be replaced with 11 if rand() produces 15-bit numbers instead. Modern C compilers don't allow constant strings to be overwritten, which can be avoided by changing the first line to
char M[3],A,Z,E=40,J[40],T[40];main(C){for(*J=A=scanf("%d",&C);
If you want to know how this program achieves its mystery, read this.


In 1989, in collaboration with my friend Freek Wiedijk, I submitted a 1467 character tetris program, which won the Best Game category.

A heap of sorts

The following C-code sorts integers t[1]...t[j] in ascending order:
        for (i = j/2; j > 1; t[l] = k) {
                if (i) k = t[i--]; else { k = t[j]; t[j--] = t[1]; }
                for (l = i + 1; (m = l + l) <= j; t[l] = t[m], l = m) {
                        if (m < j && t[m] < t[m+1]) m++;
                        if (t[m] <= k) break;

Hanoi revisited

Some problems, which are presented in algorithm textbooks as ideal candidates for recursion, turn out to be much better suited to iteration:
    max = 1 << no_of_discs;
    for (x = 1; x < max; x++)
        printf("move a disc from %d to %d\n", (x&x-1)%3, ((x|x-1)+1)%3);

How fast can you grow?

Here's a one line Haskell-script that computes a very fast growing function. It was introduced by R. L. Goodstein as an example of a function that is total (i.e. defined on any input), although this fact is not provable in first-order Peano Arithmetic! (see also this Wikipedia entry including a proof).
gs=g 2
g b 0=b;g b n=g c$s 0 n-1where s _ 0=0;s e n=mod n b*c^s 0 e+s(e+1)(div n b);c=b+1
The values gs(0)=2,gs(1)=3,gs(2)=5,gs(3)=7 seem pretty modest and in fact suspiciously familiar.

But the function really takes off at gs(4)=3 * 2^402653211 - 1, which is the Woodall number W402653184, divisible by 29.
Here's a Postscript picture showing how values grow as a function of the base for this Goodstein sequence (all bigger ones look the same, only differing in scale).

A more legible representation of function g is

g b 0 = b
g b n = g c ((s 0 n) - 1) where
        s _ 0 = 0
        s e n = (n `mod` b) * c^(s 0 e) + (s (e + 1) (n `div` b))
        c = b + 1
Small values of gs() can be expressed in terms of a close analogue of Ackerman's function, the finite part of this fast-growing hierarchy:


Then gs(4)=f3(3)-1, gs(5)=f4(4)-1, gs(6)=f6(6)-1 and gs(7)=f8(8)-1.

A compact prime sieve

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DO(P,R,I,M,E,S,i0,v0,i1,v1,i2,v2,i3,v3,i4,v4,i5,v5,i6,v6,i7,v7) k=P;\
if (!(sieve[n] & (1<<R)))\
{ printf(" %ld",30*n + bits[R]);\
  e = eos - I*n - M;\
  for (m = sieve + (30*n + E) * n + S; m < e; m += i0)\
  { *m        |= (1<<v0); *(m += i1) |= (1<<v1);\
    *(m +=i2) |= (1<<v2); *(m += i3) |= (1<<v3);\
    *(m +=i4) |= (1<<v4); *(m += i5) |= (1<<v5);\
    *(m +=i6) |= (1<<v6); *(m += i7) |= (1<<v7);\
  if (m < eos) { *m|=(1<<v0);\
    if ((m += i1) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v1);\
      if ((m += i2) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v2);\
        if ((m += i3) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v3);\
          if ((m += i4) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v4);\
            if ((m += i5) < eos) { *m |= (1<<v5);\
              if ((m += i6) < eos)   *m |= (1<<v6);\
} } } } } } }
char bits[] = {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29} ;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long p,q,r,k=0,n,s;
  char *m,*e,*eos,*sieve;
  long bytes,atol();
  if (argc!=2) printf("usage: %s (<bytes_used> or -<maxprime>)\n",*argv), exit(0);
  if ((bytes=atol(argv[1])) < 0) bytes = 1 + (-bytes)/30;
  if (!(sieve = calloc(bytes,1))) printf("Out of memory.\n"), exit(0);
  if (bytes > 30) for (k = r = (bytes-1)/30; (q = r/k) < k; k >>= 1) k += q;
  eos = sieve + bytes; s = k + 1; *sieve = 1; printf("2 3 5");
  for (n = p = q = r = 0; n < s; n++)
  { DO(p++,0,28, 0, 2, 0,p,0,r,1,q,2,k,3,q,4,k,5,q,6,r,7); r++;
    DO(q++,1,24, 6,14, 1,r,5,q,4,p,0,k,7,p,3,q,2,r,6,p,1); r++; q++;
    DO(p-1,2,26, 9,22, 4,q,0,k,6,q,1,k,7,q,3,r,5,p,2,r,4); r++;
    DO(q-1,3,28,12,26, 5,p,5,q,2,p,1,k,7,r,4,p,3,r,0,k,6);
    DO(q+1,4,26,15,34, 9,q,5,p,6,k,0,r,3,p,4,r,7,k,1,p,2); r++;
    DO(p+1,5,28,17,38,12,k,0,q,4,r,2,p,5,r,3,q,7,k,1,q,6); r++; q++;
    DO(q++,6,26,20,46,17,k,5,r,1,p,6,r,2,k,3,p,7,q,0,p,4); r++;
  printf(" ...");
  for (p = bytes - s; p < bytes; p++)
    for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
      if (!(sieve[p] & (1<<k))) printf(" %ld",30 * p + bits[k]);
  for (p = 0, n=3; p < bytes; p++)
    for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) n += !(sieve[p] & (1<<k));
  printf("\n%ld primes found\n", n);

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